Friday, July 31, 2009

Magic & Illusion at the Library

Lynn & Robert Halbrook presented a program including of magic and illusion using books to support the illusions he presented. He used Oragami books to show how to make a bird and a hat, he used magic books, to show how to learn about magic and he talked about Harry Potter, Series of Unfortunate Events, Cinderella and even had a lesson on growing seeds and many of the ways peanuts are used in our society today. One child chose a seed, the audience imagined rain, wind, and sunshine to make the seed grow. The seed started as a small flower but grew unto a very large bouquet. He pulled a bird out of an oragami egg and the bird transported into the future leaving a rabbit behind. The children were thrilled with the animal tricks and wanted to know how he did that!! After the show, the children were allowed to hold and pet the animals. Following is a short video of the children getting acquainted with the animals.

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