Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Banned Book Week

2007 Banned Books Week: Ahoy! Treasure Your Freedom to Read and Get Hooked on a Banned Book
Banned book Week this year is From September 29 through October 6, 2007.

Come to the library during Banned Book week and check out some of the books that patrons have deemed unacceptable for a library. Some of the titles can be viewed on the American Library Assiciation website:


Yes, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is still on the list as is "Where the Wild Things Are" and "1984". How many of these books have you read. I was amazed by how many I have read and could find no reason to challange them. Can you figure out why they might have been challanged? Some of the reasons could be; sexual content, religion, violence, homosexual theme, occult, language, unsuitable age group. Which themes can you pick out for some on the list.

For an indepth look at some of the titles listed over the last few years take a look at the Google search for titles listed below.


Children's area Changed

The Easy section of the Canby Library gets a new look. The easy section includes picture books and easy reader books for children. The section was moved from the outer wall to the center area of the children's department. The books were taken off the vertical shelves and moved into book bins designed especially for children. The kids love them! They are just the right height for little people and there is no danger of materials falling off the shelves hitting someone on the head and everything is within their reach. They were made by Burton Hendrickson of Canby/Madison, from oak to match the color of the existing furnishings. The coloring table was moved into the center of the floor and beanbag chairs positioned around the area for relaxing. Stuffed animals can be found lurking among the books and a table of building blocks and toy box finish the area. The toys and a coloring table were suggested by some grade school children as a way to entertain their younger siblings while the older kids look at books. Thanks kids for the ideas.

Women's Group Meets in Library

On September 18, 2007, the General Federated Women's Club from Canby met at the Canby library for their annual meeting. The speaker for the evening was Kathie Behrens the Head Librarian for Canby and Madison. Kathie shared with the group the many changes that have taken place in the library over the last year and the plans for the future. She turned on the new wii gaming system, demonstrated how it was played and asked for volunteers to try it out. There were only 2 brave souls who opted to try their hand at playing a game. The evening was ended with bars and coffee and general conversation. The attendees walked around the library checking out the changes and orientating themselves with the new layout.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Wow a Wii

Wow, a Wii in the library? What is a Wii? It is an interactive gaming system made by Nintendo. The system is new to the gaming world as it is interactive which means the player actually has to work his whole body to play the game. Why in the library? After attending a workshop on changes in libraries, the statement was made that you have to get them in the building before you can educate them as to what is available. It was stated that kids today are wired...wired into the Internet, the telephone with text messaging, into their ipods, or cd players. They communicate via chat lines such as MSN, and Yahoo, they text message, they communicate through the new online gaming systems, all the while listening to music, watching movies, and visiting. If we as a library are going to survive, we have to change with the times and allow people to use their electronic devices. Thus, the Wii and Xbox have made their ways into the library. Already it is working....kids are coming in who didn't know we existed before and they are getting library cards and checking out books.

This is an experiment. It may fail, but if it gets one kid in the door, checking out books and reading, then it is a success. Wish us luck. We only have one system going at this time as our television had to be returned as it was defective. But soon, there will be a choice of an Xbox or a Wii. Come in and see the changes.

Summer Reading Program Comes to an End

Another year for the Summer Reading Program "Going Bananas at Your Library" has come to a successful end at the Canby Library. This years program started on June 11 and ended on August 11, 2007. We had 30 participants reading a total of 265 hours. There were 8 participants who completed 20 hours. The 20 hour readers were: Morgan Crowser, Jacob Crowser, Jennifer Denelsbeck, Kevin Gingles, HollyHayden, Kaitlin Barcoe, and Haley Barcoe. Prizes were given for each 2 hours read so there were incentives to keep going all summer. Congratulations to those who finished reading 20 hours.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Crazy Days Book Sale

It is book sale time again. This years Crazy Days Book Sale will be held in the City Hall Conference room August 2, 2007 starting at 10:30 a.m. and ending at 4:30 p.m. We have many newly donated slightly used books to be included on the sale this year as well as discarded books from the library shelves. There will also be some discarded video tapes, and of course paperback books that everyone is looking for.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Go Bananas At Your Library

Come to the Canby Library for the summer reading program "Go Bananas At Your Library". The summer program is open to all children ages 4 through grade 6. We start on June 11 and continue through August 11, 2007. You can come in and register anytime after school is out for the summer. All you have to do is read for a specific period of time every day and after you reach two hours, you will sign and return a coupon with your parents signature and receive a prize. All books must be from the library. Preschoolers may have books read to them. Come join us for some summer fun.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Winter Reading Program

The Canby adult winter reading has come to a close for another year. We had 15 adults sign up for 2007 and all received their prizes for reading 10 books each in the 3 month period with a total of 150 books read and reported on. This program is a great way for patrons to let others know of really great books to read or those to avoid. If you missed the program for this year, there will be another starting in January of 2008. Come join in the fun.

Monday, April 23, 2007

National Library Week

Good Morning all,
It is a new week and the sun is shining. Last week Jill Nelson, new author from Madison Minnesota visited the library to talk about her new book, "Reluctant Runaway". She also talked about publishing and ate a piece of pie while visiting with her fans. The Federated Womens Club served pie to the community in the Community Center in Canby with all the proceeds going to the library. Many people were at the library to hear Jill's presentation, then headed down the hall for a piece of pie. The author signing and pie day were tied in with National Library week. The library was decorated with balloons, airplanes, and kites to represent the theme "Get Carried Away, Read". All those who visited the library were given a special bookmark as a gift for visiting and touring the library. Many thanks go out to Jill for honoring us with her presence and to the womens club for organizing the fundraiser for the library.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Author Visits

To Celebrate National Library week, Ap[ril 15-21, 2007, the renowned local author Jill Nelson from Madison Minnesota will be giving a short presentation in the library then take her books down to the Community Room to display, sell, and sign. The proceeds from the book sales will be donated to the Canby Library. Be sure to come visit with Jill, have a piece of pie at 2:00 then visit with Jill about her books and visit the library. She has published 2 books entitled: "Reluctant Runaway" and "To Catch a Thief". What better way to spend a couple hours. The library will be giving away a special gift for all those who make a tour of the library.
